IWPR will be launching its new report, Advancing Women in Manufacturing: Perspectives from Women on the Shop Floor.
You’ll hear the voices and experiences of women in manufacturing—especially union members and those who have completed apprenticeships. Learn about what helps and hinders their access, retention and success in good manufacturing jobs.
Sign up here.
Speakers include Latifa Lyles, special assistant to the president for gender policy, White House Gender Policy Council; Leeann Foster, international vice president, United Steelworkers; Ariane Hegewisch, senior research fellow, Institute for Women’s Policy Research; Lark Jackson, program director, Chicago Women in Trades’ National Center for Women’s Equity in Apprenticeship and Employment; Zoe Lipman, deputy director, AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council; Alexandra Patterson, director of policy and strategy, Home Grown; and Shana Peschek, executive director, Machinists Institute.
In Solidarity,