If everybody reading this email had their say today, we'd be able to march into 2020 with a solid plan built by thousands of us.
When we asked what campaigns to focus on in 2019, the most popular answer was 'stop the RBS sell-off'. So, we ran a YouGov poll proving the public was on side, gathered over 12,000 signatures for a petition and delivered it to then-Chancellor Philip Hammond. In the end, Hammond backed down and the Labour and Green Parties supported our campaign too. [1]
This is proof that when we make decisions together, we can really have an impact.
Democratising our economy sits right at the heart of Positive Money's vision and our annual supporter survey is an example of this. We're not half-heartedly calling for more democracy from the sidelines but striving to practice what we preach - and the key to that is you.
So please will you start the survey now...
How do you feel about our chances of having an impact together in 2020?