We have 12 days to ensure we WIN.


This past week Judge Protasiewicz FINALLY joined Justice Kelly in the first and only debate between Supreme Court candidates before Election Day.

Protasiewicz spent her time launching lies and attacks against Justice Kelly, accusing him of being a “threat to democracy.”

But the only true threat to democracy and Wisconsin is Protasiewicz.

With her plans to enact her radical liberal agenda and alter the legislative maps to unfairly give Democrats an advantage, we can’t afford to let her win this critical election.

We have just 12 days left until Election Day and are counting on your continued support to help us defeat Protasiewicz.

Please make a contribution with 12 days left until Election Day, to help defeat radical liberal Protasiewicz and defend our conservative majority.







For most of the debate, she spent time saying she was dedicated to protecting public safety.

Yet she has a history of letting violent criminals roam free, and while Wisconsin has seen a spike in crime, Protasiewicz claims that it’s “common sense” to release criminals back on the street.

Considering the “defund the police” rhetoric and initiatives of Democrats over the past few years, it’s no surprise that “No Jail Janet” has a pro-criminal agenda.

That’s because Protasiewicz is also bought and paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

She has openly told voters across the state how she would approach every potential case, allowing her personal politics and connections with the far-Left to outweigh the law.

Failing to defend our conservative majority is not an option with a radical, pro-criminal judge ready to destroy our great state.

So please, make a contribution with 12 days left until Election Day, to help defeat radical liberal Protasiewicz and defend our conservative majority.

Thank you,

Wisconsin Republicans

Paid for by the Republican Party of Wisconsin. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. www.wisgop.org

148 E Johnson Street, Madison, WI 53703

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