John –

You’ve heard me say this before, as an Auditor there’s no national organization looking out for me or making sure that I’ve got the support I need. I always say I count on all of you, and I mean it.

That’s why when I saw my friend Rob Sand, Iowa’s Democratic Auditor, under attack by the GOP in his state, I had to lend a hand.

The GOP dominated Iowa Senate passed a bill this month that would limit his officie's powers and has been called "the single most pro-corruption bill in Iowa history."

Rob needs our help today. Help me help Rob by making a contribution that will be split between our campaigns!

Rob is the last statewide Democrat left in Iowa.

Like us, Iowa used to be a purple state sending Republicans and Democrats to Congress and their statewide offices. While we’ve been turning more blue, they’re turning red.

It’s critical that we support red state Democrats like Rob Sand. He’s not only looking out for Iowa taxpayers, he’s our best hope of turning the tide in Iowa.

Please, help me help Rob. Make a contribution today to support our campaigns and help us keep fighting for the taxpayers we look out for!

Thank you!





Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States