URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell President Biden to STOP the Formosa Plastics mega-polluting factory before it's too late! Act now!
Formosa Plastics has plans to build a monstrous 2,400-acre petrochemical complex that would release so much pollution that it's not allowed to operate in Taiwan, where its own headquarters are located. Yet this greedy corporation is planning to build this factory in the U.S. Why should Formosa be allowed to construct this mega-polluting plant here when it's not even trusted in its own backyard?
It gets worse. Formosa Plastics wants to build this factory in a region that's known as "Cancer Alley" because of its high chemical pollution from over 200 existing petrochemical plants! Adding another polluting project to this community further threatens its people, ecosystems, and wildlife along the Mississippi River! President Biden could revoke the factory's permit! If just 78 more people from your city sign by 11:59pm TONIGHT, we can tell President Biden to STOP Formosa Plastics before it's too late! Please add your name, Friend.
Formosa's plastics plant would add even more TOXIC POLLUTION to a predominantly Black and low-wealth community already on the frontlines of corporate greed. Despite links between chemical pollution and cancer, respiratory damage, and liver, brain, or heart problems. Formosa Plastics is still willing to steamroll public health for the sake of its own profits.
Please, Friend, we need your help to convince President Biden to STOP this catastrophic petrochemical factory before it's too late. The PLASTIC APOCALYPSE is getting worse every day as more plastic waste fills our waterways, killing wildlife and contaminating our food and water. And the factories that create these plastics hurt local communities. There's no reason Formosa's factory should move forward. Stand up to corporate greed and fight this Formosa Plastics plant in Cancer Alley by 11:59pm TONIGHT!
Standing with you,
Paloma Henriques
Senior petrochemical campaigner,
Friends of the Earth