29 Sunset is Our First 30x30 Win!
All-Day SFMTA Board Workshop (Tuesday)
Better Market Street Official Launch (Wednesday)
Transit-Friendly Street Design (February 11)


30x30: Here We Come, 29 Sunset!

We couldn't be more pleased that SFMTA has started looking at how the 29 Sunset can be improved, nor more proud of the students at Lowell High School who made it happen. The 29 Sunset serves over 40 elementary, middle, and high schools (also SF State and City College), and we hear too often about how slow and overcrowded it is, often passing up stops when it's too full.

Last year, based on feedback from riders, we identified the 29 Sunset as one of our first priorities in our 30x30 campaign to connect every neighborhood in San Francisco with frequent, reliable, rapid service. 

Nothing is for sure until it happens, of course. So alongside SFTMA, we'll continue to do our work, reaching riders to make sure their needs are met with a new, improved, 29 Sunset. Onward!


Muni Budget Extravaganza (Tuesday)

Tuesday is the all-day annual SFMTA Board workshop, which provides an in-depth review of all aspects of SFMTA's work as it affects the budget. Here's a link to the full agenda, and here's a link to the supporting 169-page presentation.

SFMTA Special Meeting
1455 Market Street 22nd Floor
Tuesday, January 28
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

We plan to have staff there all day. There will be public comment at the end of each item - no general public comment, only comment relevant to the item. If you do come and speak up, please identify yourself as a member of SF Transit Riders. If you wear your SFTR shirt they'll know for sure we're in the room!

This is not the last time to address these issues, but it's a good time to get some of our priorities known. Some of ours are: staffing up SFMTA operations; the new train control system; the best (also the most expensive) NextMuni 2.0; and certainly not least, making sure real fare assistance reaches everyone who needs it.


Cars Off Market Street!

The time has come! Join us Wednesday, January 29, for the official kick-off of the quick build, getting cars off Market St. The boat tram is scheduled to make a special appearance!

Embarcadero Plaza
11:30 AM

This is a big step forward to a people-centered, transit-first city. We will continue to work for better transfers between Better Market Street and the upcoming Central Subway, and for more accessibility overall, but on Wednesday, we'll celebrate a whole bunch of red carpet rolling out for Muni and its riders.

Let us know you're coming - we'll bring t-shirts for our members!


Transit-Friendly Street Design

Save the date! We're having our friends from Fehr & Peers talk about some aspects of transit-friendly street design. Specifically, we'll talk about some case studies and approaches for speeding up surface light rail, and for how well bus/bike combo lanes are working elsewhere in the country.

Reserve your seat today.

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
