We are so close to hitting the $25,000 goal, and we have ANOTHER donor who wants to match up to $500 in donations today! 

If we're able to raise another $4,500 by March 31, we'll start the campaign for Attorney General.

We need to hit our fundraising goal by March 31 if we're going to do this.

Can you help us get there?
Fundraising Deadline March 31! Go to

Civil Rights Division

Did you know Missouri's Attorney General's Office does not have a Civil Rights Division?

These units are crucial tools to protect our civil liberties and privacy, dismantle discrimination, and ensure fairness in our justice system.

From housing to the workplace, a Civil Rights Division can improve so many aspects of Missouri just by enforcing current laws against people who often take advantage of our most vulnerable residents.

Here's my draft plan. What are your thoughts? Just email me back here!

Attorney General Celebrates Court Win for Big Ag

Attorney General Andrew Bailey took to social media yesterday to celebrate a court ruling protecting concentrated animal feeding operations, also known as CAFOs.

These factory farms, which cram thousands of animals together, produce immense amounts of urine and feces, have been linked to poor health impacts in their surrounding areas, demolish local property values, and push out small family farms in favor of large corporate ones, many of which are foreign-owned.

Our Attorney General won't stand up for family farmers. He won't protect Missouri workers at these massive facilities. He won't protect our state's water and other natural resources.

But I'm sure the checks are nice.

If you're as ready as I am to have an Attorney General who works for us instead of a few big donors, I've got two big buttons for you to press.
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Fredrick Doss, Treasurer

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