Hi John,

It’s safe to say that the far-right party, Britain First, are not big fans of us. 

Britain First’s leader, Paul Golding (formerly of the British National Party), recognises that HOPE not hate poses the biggest threat to his party’s future. For once, he is right about something.

This year, same as last, they’re standing a range of candidates at the local elections. Amongst them, Paul Golding himself is standing in Dartford along with Britain First’s South East Organiser Nick Scanlon. Meanwhile Golding’s partner and Britain First’s Chair, Ashlea Simon, is standing again in Salford.

In 2022, we ran a campaign in Salford which contributed to Britain First’s crushing defeat. They threw everything they had at that campaign, and they still came up well short. Last year, we also ran a massive campaign against For Britain in Epping Forest and Hartlepool, against the then-leader Ann-Marie Waters. All-in-all, it was a bad election for the far-right.

We’re about to launch another campaign in Salford, as well as Dartford and Epping Forest, but John we need your help. We’re going to head out en masse to counter their racist leaflets. Can you chip in to support the campaign?


Last year, Britain First tried a load of dirty tricks to trip-up HOPE not hate. From on-street harassment to pointless videos with Tommy Robinson, they tried everything they could to stop us and none of it worked.

Already this year Britain First has put out a leaflet about us in Salford. It’s a pack of lies, but we know that when they’re spending their time talking to voters about HOPE not hate rather than local issues, they’re already on the back foot.

We also know from experience that one of the biggest factors in the electoral success of far right groups is low voter turnout, and that’s where we’re focussing our efforts.

Some of the plans we’ll be able to roll out with your support include

  • Monitoring far right candidates and intelligence sharing to support local anti-far right organising 
  • Running data-driven digital campaigns to encourage young people and minority communities to turnout to vote, including awareness-raising about voter ID 
  • Community mobilising in target areas to spread messages of hope and reject the division sown by far right candidates
  • Bringing together a range of influencers, organisations and community groups to coordinate and amplify each other’s voter registration and ‘get out the vote’ efforts

We want to really cause Britain First a headache this year, and with your help we know we can.



Can’t donate right now? Please send us any far right leaflets coming through your door to [email protected] or the address at the bottom of this email.

Thank you for everything you do,


Nick Spooner
Campaigner, HOPE not hate

PS. If you’re not already, please register to vote - the deadline is fast approaching. Together we can defeat hate on 4th May - register today: https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote