Dear Community Partner:March is Women's History Month, and what better time to turn to our nation's first female self-made millionaire—Madam C.J. Walker—for wealth-building wisdom that we can share wi

Dear Community Partner:

March is Women's History Month, and what better time to turn to our nation's first female self-made millionaire—Madam C.J. Walker—for wealth-building wisdom that we can share with you and your client communities.

We collaborated with HerMoney to bring you the new short video: Generational wealth & wisdom—lessons from Madam C.J.: Tips from a recent HerMoney podcast. In the video, HerMoney's content chief Kathryn Tuggle shares the top takeaways from a HerMoney podcast interview with A'Lelia Bundles, the great-great-granddaughter of Madam C.J. 

Tune in to the video here to learn about:

  • What generational wealth is and key ways to build it
  • Entrepreneurship as a path to building wealth
  • The importance of saving
  • Building wealth through investment in education, real estate and more

Please share this message with your client communities and remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel for free using this link.

If you have questions about the video, please send them to [email protected]




Linda Williams
Community Outreach and Training Manager
Consumer Action

Through education and advocacy, nonprofit Consumer Action fights for strong consumer rights and policies that promote fairness and financial prosperity for underrepresented consumers nationwide.

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