Dear Patriot, Government spying
abuses are rampant. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents show the FBI and their
Deep State pals put a target on my back. That’s not surprising since I support
freedom and oppose unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats lurking in the shadows calling the shots in the country. So I guess I’m their enemy. The truth is
Deep State spying abuses and campaigns of intimidation against their political enemies didn’t start -- and won’t end -- with impeachment
of a sitting president. Not without your help driving a stake through the heart of the Deep
State’s unconstitutional domestic snooping powers. That’s why I wrote Senator
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) insisting he hold hearings on the FBI spying on your Campaign for Liberty. And why I'm counting on your IMMEDIATE
action to back me up. Patriot, you and I need Senator Graham to get the message this
week. That’s why I’ve set a deadline for midnight tonight to add your name to my letter
to Senator Graham. The good news is, you and I have an opportunity to strike at the
root of Deep State power by halting reauthorization of the so-called “USA Freedom Act.”
With a showdown on deck over reauthorization when impeachment is over, you and I have a chance to strike a deathblow on the Deep
State’s unconstitutional domestic spying programs.
And those chances go way up if we can FORCE hearings and expose Deep State surveillance abuse just as the battle over reauthorization comes to a
head. So please help me show Senator Graham he has two choices:
>>> Schedule Senate Judiciary hearings to investigate Deep State spying
abuses (starting with FBI spying on Campaign for Liberty). >>>
Or face the outrage of liberty-loving Americans like you nationwide! Patriot, I’m
counting on you to help TURN UP THE HEAT on Senator Graham at once.
So please sign my letter to Senator Graham at once and
insist he put his money where his mouth is. "We have to address the underlying problem. The system in the hands of a few bad people can do a lot of damage."
"It's as if J. Edgar Hoover came back to life . . . The old FBI
- the FBI that had a chip on its shoulder and wanted to intimidate people." Those are Senator Graham’s own recent statements about the FBI's brazen spying abuses.
I don’t see eye-to-eye with Senator Graham very often, especially on matters of government snooping. But I definitely agree with those
statements. But that doesn’t mean he’ll help you and me strike at the heart of
Deep State power unless he knows he has no choice! And by MIDNIGHT
tonight, I’m counting on your signature to help do just that!
So please, sign your name alongside
mine and DEMAND Senator Graham schedule hearings to expose Deep State spying abuse -- starting with FBI spying on C4L -- at once!
Once you have please also consider pitching in with as generous contribution of $7,
$10, $25, $50, or more to help turn up the heat and send every member of Congress a message loud and clear -- the Deep State’s
unconstitutional domestic spying schemes are unacceptable. Thanks in advance for all you do for
the cause of liberty. Please act at once. For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman
click here to sign your name with mine
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