Dear John,

Last month, we took the Secretary of State to court for her unreasonable—and undemocratic—rejection of the 100% Clean Electricity ballot measures. And we won! The court made it clear that Secretary Clarno’s claims were unfounded: the proposed ballot measures meet all requirements and are allowed to move forward immediately.
That means we’re back on track, and momentum is already building! Last Thursday, our 100% Clean Electricity petition received its official ballot title from the Attorney General, and so did the Toxics Reduction and Right to Know Act. Our next step? Gathering petition signatures.
And that’s where you come in! It’s time to go big. We need over 100,000 signatures to get these measures on the November ballot. Want to help us get started? Take the pledge now to sign the petition, and we’ll send you an update when it’s ready to sign! 
Despite our state’s green image, almost half of our electricity comes from fossil fuels like coal, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. With only ten years before the climate crisis reaches a point of no return, Oregon needs to take action, and fast. 
100% Clean Electricity will help utilities phase out fossil fuels and phase in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. By 2045, all of Oregon’s electricity will come from clean energy sources. And the Toxics Reduction and Right to Know Act will close toxic pollution loopholes for corporate polluters, helping clear our air, water, and soil, and protecting our communities from increased rates of cancer, infertility, asthma, and more. 
With these measures on the ballot this November, Oregonians will have the chance to take the future into their own hands and vote for cleaner air, healthier communities, and an Oregon that no longer runs on fossil fuels. Passing bold climate action this session is still our number one priority, but, if legislators let us down again, we’ll be more than ready to take action. 
Please join us in taking the pledge, and we’ll let you know when the ballot measures are ready to sign!
Thank you,
Lindsey Scholten
Political Director, OLCV

Paid For By The Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Avenue Suite 600
Suite 600
Portland OR 97204 United States
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