
In the historic 2018 wave year, Mike was among five Democrats in Southern California to be elected to Congress. Today, he’s the last remaining of those original five running to defend their seat in 2024.

In a district as competitive as CA-49, that’s a testament to Mike’s record of consistently delivering for his constituents. But it also reflects the strong grassroots support we’ve built over the years. You’re an important part of this, John, and for that, we thank you.

Take it from us; there’s nothing the state and national GOP would enjoy more than defeating one of the last ones standing from the 2018 Democratic class. That’s part of the reason why the Cook Political Report just listed CA-49 as one of the “most competitive” districts in the nation.

We don’t love sharing this news, but all this means is that Mike officially is the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent in California.

We’re closing in on our first FEC deadline of the year, and it’s impossible to overstate the importance of showing strength right from the start. Right now, we’re still short of our target. Can you please chip in $3, or whatever you can, to help us meet our goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The far right will be spending big to defeat Mike in 2024, and since we won’t take money from corporate PACs, we’re relying on everyday supporters to help us defend this seat. So thanks in advance for anything you can give.

Team Levin