In just a second, we’ll tell you the three biggest reasons why you should pay attention to this Supreme Court race. 

The Wisconsin Supreme Court race on April 4 is being called “the most important election of 2023.”

Why? The outcome of this race could determine the future of the freedom to vote for years to come — not just in Wisconsin, but nationwide.

Below, we’ve outlined the three biggest reasons why we need supporters like you to pay attention to this Supreme Court race and make a contribution. If you’re already feeling convinced to support the Wisconsin Democratic Party and Fair Fight’s efforts to reach voters, will you please rush a split donation?

  1. As Democrats hold control of the governorship and Republicans hold control of the legislature in Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court could be the final decider on a range of critical issues, like abortion rights, redistricting, and yes — voting rights.

  2. Wisconsin will again be a key swing state in the 2024 presidential election, and the state Supreme Court could weigh in on baseless election challenges as they did in 2020. The Supreme Court makeup could ensure a fair outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

  3. Your contribution will help compete against the Republican election-denier groups that recently dropped millions into this race:

Election-denying donors pour millions into key Wisconsin supreme court race

We’re not taking a moment for granted in this must-win race, so we’re partnering with the Wisconsin Democratic Party as they work to elect a pro-voting candidate. In the lead-up to April 4, we’re focused on sharing our volunteer capacity to support poll observing, ballot curing, and phonebanking efforts to ensure voters have the most accurate and timely voting information.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment for the future of our democracy. So please, make a split contribution of $20 or anything you can today to help the Wisconsin Democratic Party and Fair Fight secure a pro-voter majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.


Let’s do this!

The Fair Fight Team