Your Intentions - Three
Holy Masses, March 23-25

Dear Friend,
Have you submitted
your intentions for three Holy Masses, from March 23-25, invoking
Our Lady of the Annunciation, along with St. Gabriel the
The traditional feast of St.
Gabriel the Archangel is March 24 and the Solemnity of the
Annunciation is March 25.
The messenger, Archangel Gabriel,
whose name means “Man of God” in Hebrew or “God has shown might”, who
can come to our aid and assist us daily, by his powerful intercession
before the throne of God. The Archangel Gabriel is the Patron of:
ambassadors, broadcasting, childbirth, communications, diplomats,
messengers, postal workers, public relations, radio workers, stamp
collectors and telecommunications.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, was filled
with grace, and the Incarnation of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Whose
Precious Blood first flowed through tiny arteries and veins was in the
womb of Mary. How closely the Mother and her Divine Son were so
miraculously interwoven for all eternity! Let us rejoice at all the
graces and spiritual benefits we have received and shall receive,
because of the mystery of the Incarnation! Invoke Our Lady of the
Annunciation to come to your aid. Please remember to include an
intention for the needs of Cardinal Burke, as well as his continued
good health.
May the humble virgin of Nazareth,
who became the Mother of our Savior and is Queen of the Angels, along
with the Archangel Gabriel, who revealed the glories of Mary, quickly
intercede for our most pressing needs.
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and
P.S. Have you
heard about Cardinal Burke’s latest book, Deny Holy Communion?, that was recently mailed to 41,000
bishops, priests and deacons in the United States? If you would like
to order a copy, click here.
P.P.S. Sponsor a
copy of Deny Holy
Communion? to a
seminarian. The most important
and sacred function of their life as a future priest will be the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass. Please help us to send this book to seminarians
in the US, Puerto Rico and Rome click here.
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Catholic Action For Faith And Family