Fellow Conservative,
I want to make it clear to Republicans in Congress: I will fight ANY debt ceiling or government funding bill that doesn’t defund all the unlawful and unconstitutional actions by this President against law abiding citizens.
The right to effective self-defense is a fundamental human right.
Crime is on the rise all over the country, in big cities and small communities. Our borders are flooded with cartel-fueled crime. More criminals are pouring into America every single day.
No unelected bureaucrat in Washington should interfere with your God-given right to own a firearm.
<< Stop Biden’s Unlawful Background Checks >>
The founders made it clear that our right to bear arms shall not be infringed.
Help me Stand Up for America by adding your name to show Biden that our Second Amendment rights aren’t going anywhere. For Liberty,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
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