I'm a mom.

My kids went to our local public schools here in Oregon. During that time, I chaired the parent-teacher organization, volunteered in classrooms, served on district-wide committees, and attended school board meetings.

As a public school parent, I helped shape the direction of my community's schools. I know and appreciate the importance of parental and family involvement – I was an involved parent myself for 15 years. Research shows that students thrive when parents and educators work together and share their expertise.

Unfortunately, my colleagues across the aisle seem determined to drive a wedge between parents and educators.

Recently, Congressional Republicans introduced legislation that is likely to foster a culture of book bans, curriculum censorship, micromanagement, and hateful rhetoric – all under the umbrella of "parental rights." We see this happening already in some states, and it's not what we need in our public schools.

With the support of dozens of my colleagues, I'm leading a resolution that offers an alternative - an inclusive, affirmative, and aspirational vision for public education.

Here are a few things I know to be true:

Students thrive with a well-rounded education that gives them the knowledge and skills they need to be successful.

Parental involvement is essential. Parents and families, including those from diverse backgrounds, should be able to collaborate with educators to improve our public schools.

Public schools must be inclusive. Everyone, students, educators, and staff, should feel safe and be safe at school.

We must protect students' civil rights. Every student should be able to learn in an environment free from discrimination, including discrimination based on actual or perceived identity.

Democracy depends on high-quality public schools. Curriculum should be historically accurate, reflect the diversity of our nation, and prepare students to think critically so they can become active participants in our democratic process.

My passion for public education led me to run for office, and I've worked hard to make public schools places where every student can thrive.

I am committed to standing up for students and parents of ALL backgrounds, and I hope you will stand with me.

With appreciation,


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