From his most recent attack on Rep. Elijah Cummings and the Baltimore community to the vile “send her back” chants targeted at Rep. Ilhan Omar, and the other three progressive congresswomen of color, President Trump’s racist, xenophobic statements endanger people of color, devolve our national discourse, and puts in peril the progress and hope for a multi-racial democracy.
At this critical moment, in this urgent time, Race Forward, now more than ever, is steadfast and committed to building strategies to advance racial justice in our policies, institutions, and culture, and we won’t go back. We press forward by publishing Colorlines, which features news and analysis produced by a multiracial team of writers covering stories such as the congresswomen's defiant response to the president, the Trump administration’s inhumane immigration policies, as well as the attempts to disqualify more than 3.1 million low income earning people from accessing food stamps.
Our programs and campaigns advance our mission and vision. Drop the I-Word demands change and holds media accountable for using dehumanizing language such as the term “illegal” when referring to undocumented people. Mass Freedom bridges the movements to end mass incarceration and to end mass deportation under a shared vision for a multiracial democracy that is truly free.
GARE, the Government Alliance on Race & Equity works to achieve racial equity through strategizing and organizing with a national network of local government municipalities –– all of these projects are part of Race Forward’s efforts to combat systemic racial inequities and realize racial justice.
To join us in this fight and support Race Forward’s ongoing efforts to build racial equity and defend communities most impacted by structural racism, please make a donation here.