ACTION ALERT: Legislators are working on the state budget right now and they need to hear from you about climate investments!
Legislative update and new Action Alert
We've made it to the midpoint of the legislative session! Get the scoop on a few of the exciting clean energy and climate bills that the Fresh Energy team is plugging into.
It's crucial that you speak up! Legislators are assembling the state budget right now and they need urging from constituents to invest big in climate. Email your legislators now!
Here comes the sun: Solar at Richfield Public Schools
A decade after its first rooftop solar installation, a suburban Twin Cities school district has emerged as a shining success story for Minnesota solar policy.
Amping up Minnesota homes with electric panel upgrades
Electric panel updates are a key way to speed up home electrification, but cost can be a barrier. Check out how Fresh Energy is working to reduce these barriers.
Meet Eric Pasi, Fresh Energy board member and Power Circle donor. "If you were to talk about dollars spent per gigaton of carbon displaced, there’s no better value than Fresh Energy.”
There are a few open positions at Fresh Energy! Learn about the roles—including the new communications writer position—and help spread the word.
On Monday, the IPCC delivered its scientific “final warning” on the climate emergency. Read more about the IPCC's latest appraisal of global climate science.
Fresh Energy filed comments at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission urging utilities and regulators to maximize funding from the federal Inflation Reduction Act in utility programs.
March 23 | In-Person Panel Discussion
How can ground-source and geothermal heat pumps and district energy systems serve as a climate solution and create family-sustaining clean energy jobs? Join us to find out!
May 10-12 | Getting to Zero Forum 2023
Join us at the national Getting to Zero Forum in Minneapolis to collaborate on opportunities to transform our built environment for a net zero future.
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