We hoped there would be excitement around my husband Adam Frisch’s announcement that he is running again against Lauren Boebert, but the level of support has far exceeded our expectations. Thank you.


Wow. These first few weeks of the campaign have been a whirlwind.

We hoped there would be excitement around my husband Adam Frisch’s announcement that he is running again against Lauren Boebert, but the level of support has far exceeded our expectations. Thank you.

As the nation has already seen during the first few months of this congressional term, Lauren Boebert has not changed her extreme approach – even after only winning reelection by just 546 votes and having the closest race in the country this past November. Adam, our family, and our campaign team are committed to finally kicking Boebert out of Congress.

Adam is already crisscrossing the district and meeting with voters and supporters. Our 17-year-old son, Felix, enjoyed getting to go back out on the road with his dad, racking up the mileage on our pickup truck once again.

Our fundraising efforts are off to a great start, but in 2022, Boebert spent $2 million more than we did. As much as we wish politics didn’t come down to fundraising, it is critically important to introduce every last voter to Adam.

We’re facing our first FEC fundraising deadline in about a week, and we’ve set a very ambitious goal of raising $1 million online to defeat Lauren Boebert. That’s the kind of number that will help ensure we don’t get written off again like last time.

We’re closing in on our goal, but we’re not there just yet. Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now to Adam’s campaign – whatever amount you can afford today – to help him hit this important goal and defeat Lauren Boebert? Adam’s not taking a dime from corporate PACs, so he’s counting on the financial support of people like you.

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Your support and encouragement mean the world to Adam and our whole family. So, thank you again for continuing this journey with us.

One of the greatest benefits of all this campaigning has been the opportunity to deepen existing friendships and make so many new ones.
