Marianne Williamson for President
Dear John,

It’s been just over two weeks since Marianne announced her candidacy for president of the United States, and what a ride it has been. From Marianne’s interviews with ABC and MSNBC and FOX and across independent media platforms - from our launch to her campaigning on the ground in the crucial primary states of New Hampshire and South Carolina - our wheels have been turning nonstop.
This is the pace required to win a presidential election, and it’s not easy.

The political establishment has resisted the idea that anyone other than the President should have a chance to take on the Republican candidate in 2024. But that is a notion we strongly reject. While there’s now an almost total mainstream media blackout of Marianne’s candidacy, those of us who support her message are betting on democracy. 

And we’re betting on you.
We think it’s the people who should decide the Democratic nominee in 2024, and even more importantly, that the people should decide the direction America takes in the years ahead. Marianne is a political progressive, but she is calling out to neither left nor right so much as to a more noble place in the American mind. She thinks Lincoln meant it when he referred to America’s “better angels of our nature,” and she means it too. She believes it’s the only avenue to America’s repair.

We must act together, with enough energy and collective action to bring a new beginning to America. It’s not an easy task. But it’s a necessary one. Our ancestors have done it before us and it's our turn now.

Marianne’s communication skills, her platform, and her entire professional career have prepared her for this moment. Her campaign presents a unique opportunity to turn America in the direction of healing and regeneration. She brings resources and skill to the job that will befit our nation’s first woman president – the tough mind and compassionate heart to truly transform the country. 

Please give generously so our campaign can be everything we would want it to be. Will you join us in becoming a founding donor of the Marianne 2024 campaign by contributing any amount before the 31st, the deadline for the first quarter?
We’re $150,000 away from our goal but we can reach it with your support.

Donate Button
As Marianne says, every generation writes its own chapter in our history. We are in the midst of writing our own chapter now, and with your help we can make a glorious one. Let’s mobilize for justice, truth, and the security of generations that follow. 

Join us.


Team Marianne
Paid for by Marianne Williamson for President

Team Marianne 2024

Marianne Williamson for President, 1901 Harrison Street, Suite 1550, Oakland, CA 94612
