John, Rupert Murdoch admitted under oath that Fox News KNEW Trump was lying about the 2020 election – but STILL chose to spread dangerous disinformation about our election security and voting machines. [1]
Dominion Voting System’s $1.6 billion lawsuit has revealed disturbing texts and emails between Fox News hosts – exposing that Fox knowingly spread conspiracies that they themselves believed were – in the words of Tucker Carlson – “totally off the rails.” [2]
Yet as I write you, Fox News is meeting with ad reps – who are making major decisions about where they buy ads and how much they want to advertise on each station. [3]
Fox News knew they were pushing unfounded conspiracy theories – but still chose to go on air and lie to viewers. Add your name to urge advertisers to stop giving money to Fox.
John, we should be able to rely on our news organizations to report on the truth – not lie about our democracy for financial and political gain.
But Fox has continued to spew lies and conspiracy theories – while mocking the same extremists they were giving airtime to behind the scenes.
Here’s the truth that Fox News hosts don’t want you to know: Our elections are secure and accurate – and the real threat to our democracy is voter suppression and conspiracy theories.
Allowing Fox News to continue profiting off disinformation and conspiracy theories – when we ALREADY know that they’ve lied to viewers about our elections – is a major mistake. Their fealty to Trump Republicans at the expense of journalistic integrity has already cost our democracy too much – and they can’t be rewarded with even more opportunities to lie.
As advertisers are making decisions about where to place ads, they need to hear from consumers like you and me. Add your name to tell advertisers to pull out of Fox News and stop funding their lies.
John, I’m glad to have you with me as we continue to counter disinformation and protect our democracy.
Thanks for all you do,
Raelyn Roberson, Media & Democracy Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause