From Michael Waldman, Brennan Center for Justice <[email protected]>
Subject The Briefing: Ruling with a gavel and a grudge
Date March 21, 2023 9:36 PM
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Consider the consequences when a single judge can make decisions with nationwide effects.

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Constitution watchers brace for upcoming Supreme Court rulings on the Voting Rights Act, affirmative action, and the “independent state legislature theory.” The Marble Palace on First Street gets most of the attention. In the meantime, federal judges across the country are showing us what happens when the lower courts are stuffed with right-wing ideologues.

After a hearing last week, Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in Amarillo, Texas, is expected to soon rule on an outlandish demand to ban the use of the abortion pill mifepristone — medication used for more than half of all abortions in the United States. If the judge rules to revoke the decades-old FDA approval for the pill, he will affect not just women in Texas, but women in every state.

How can a single federal judge have such power over the medical decisions of more than 167 million people? Believe it or not, the Supreme Court has never ruled

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on whether nationwide injunctions are constitutional. Liberals used this tactic on occasion to block the Trump administration’s policies, such as the single judge who blocked the “Muslim ban” in 2017. But conservatives have undeniably perfected it.

In Texas, a quirk of the rules lets people choose where they bring a federal lawsuit and essentially handpick the judge who will hear their case — judge shopping to boost the chances of a favorable ruling. When a plaintiff files a federal suit in Amarillo, they are 100 percent guaranteed to get Kacsmaryk, a judge with a reputation as a Federalist Society militant. His sister recently told reporters

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it was his mission to end abortion in the United States. He has called homosexuality “disordered.” He made the government reinstate the Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy, which was later overturned by the Supreme Court. Such a track record would make him the ideal judge for anti-abortion groups seeking someone sympathetic to their case.

Worse, Kacsmaryk may be readying his abortion pill ruling based on the brand-new “major questions doctrine,” which is all of nine months old. First articulated in a case last year that slashed

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the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory power, the doctrine claims federal agencies need clear congressional authorization to act on issues that have “major” economic or political significance. This conveniently flexible legal theory is poised to be the go-to reasoning for right-wing judges to block any policies they don’t like.

The Texas case isn’t the only evidence of the impact of skewed lower courts. The Supreme Court’s sweeping decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, which held that gun laws must pass the test of “history and tradition” rather than public safety, has led to judicial rulings that verge on satirical. One federal judge in western New York blocked most of the state’s new gun law, declaring he could find no colonial-era law banning guns in summer camps, which, of course, did not exist at the time. And surprise, surprise, he found no trace of 18th-century prohibitions on guns in subways, either. Though he let the ban on guns in churches stand, another New York judge ruled shortly afterward that this restriction, too, was ahistorical.

Just last month, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a truly outrageous ruling that upheld domestic abusers’ right to keep their guns. The court cited a lack of examples of early American laws against domestic violence. Voila, no protections in 2023.

Other examples abound, and there will no doubt be many more to come. Trump isn’t only responsible for appointing three Supreme Court justices — he appointed 226 federal judges during his presidency. They were overwhelmingly pre-vetted by the Federalist Society.

These appointments have left a lasting impact, and there is an urgent need to rebalance the scales of the federal judiciary. Last week, the Judicial Conference of the United States, led by Chief Justice John Roberts, recommended

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adding 68 federal judges to the courts to meet demanding new workloads. This would be a good step toward countering the partisanship plaguing the courts. But most importantly, we need to understand the significance of what has happened with the federal courts.

We cannot let one judge with a gavel and a grudge govern our country.

Empowering Women in Congress

Women make up 29 percent of today’s Congress but hold only 17 percent of leadership positions inside congressional committees. Tackling campaign finance reform and ensuring that committee appointments reflect Congress’s demographics are among the ways to remove barriers on the path to committee leadership. “Women in Congress deserve full access to legislative power. Their constituents deserve it, too,” Maya Kornberg writes. Read more

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A More Diverse Ballot

On Wednesday, the Federal Election Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed updates to its rules for how and when candidates can use campaign funds to support themselves. The changes could make the rules more equitable by easing the heavy financial burden of running for office, giving non-wealthy candidates a fairer shot at a successful campaign. “Ultimately, if we are to have elected candidates that fully reflect America’s diversity, we need rules that help candidates of all backgrounds to run for and win office,” Mira Ortegon writes. Read more

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The Right to Be Rude in Town Meetings

Citing the freedom of assembly, the highest court in Massachusetts recently struck down a town’s rules for making comments at public meetings. In the case, a resident had been ordered to leave after hurling insults and accusing the board of selectmen of spending like “drunken sailors.” But the court ruled that “rude, personal, and disrespectful” conduct is protected by the state constitution. In the latest State Court Report newsletter, Alicia Bannon explains the case and the fascinating history of this fundamental right in the United States. Read more

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Time to Repeal the Iraq War Authorization

This week marks 20 years since the start of the Iraq War. Even though many of its supporters have since disowned the conflict that caused death and suffering on a massive scale, the congressional Authorization for Use of Military Force remains. The Trump administration relied on it in 2020 as justification for killing an Iranian general. That dangerous action spurred efforts for repeal — a rare area of bipartisan agreement in Congress. And more broadly, Katherine Yon Ebright writes in The Hill, presidential power in the realm of starting military hostilities needs to be reined in. Read more

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The Cost of Expanding Victims’ Rights

Since 2008, a dozen states have adopted state constitutional amendments known as “Marsy’s Law,” promoted as giving crime victims important new legal rights. But two pending cases in Wisconsin and Florida argue that these protections infringe on defendants’ rights and government transparency. Writing for State Court Report, Cato Institute Senior Fellow Walter Olson examines how Marsy’s Law “generates outcomes that are hard to defend in principle.” Read more

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Lauren-Brooke Eisen and Hernandez Stroud on reducing unnecessary incarceration // THE HILL

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Douglas Keith on the increased attention on state supreme court races // FIVETHIRTYEIGHT

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Faiza Patel on the need for proper oversight of the NYPD // THE CITY

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Eliza Sweren-Becker on election police forces // TALKING POINTS MEMO

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