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It’s time America made early childhood education a national priority.
This shouldn’t be a controversial issue, Friend. Investing in early childhood education not only closes the achievement gap, but also improves health outcomes, boosts the economy, and creates opportunities for everyone.
Right now, our system places this entire burden on parents who pay the high price of care and education for their young children.
But not everyone can afford to cover the cost.
Over the last few years, the Child Tax Credit offered a lifeline to families in need of additional support. But the GOP blocked the reauthorization of this critical legislation, slashing benefits for millions of Americans.
Last month I brought Marc Jaffe, CEO of Children’s Learning Centers, as my guest to the President’s State of the Union address. CLC is committed to equipping kids and families with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed, and provides a model for what is possible when we invest in our kids and empower families to face any obstacle.

As the Chairman of the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth, I spoke with countless Americans who shared their experiences of struggle, hardship, and a serious need for more support for their children.
The committee’s report, as well as numerous studies, show that by investing in early childhood education, we can foster opportunity, growth, and potential not just on an individual level, but on a broader economic level, too.
Helping families with affordable childcare not only helps alleviate financial burdens but also enables parents to enter or remain in the workforce.
The truth is, we consistently underinvest in our kids across the board. It’s time we prioritize our kids and provide the necessary resources to ensure every child in America can succeed.
I’ll keep fighting to restore the Child Tax Credit and other programs that ensure parents have the resources they need to set their children up for success.
— Jim