Hi John, The unstoppable and overwhelming tide of evidence of Trump’s crimes continues to flow in. It must be terrible for Trump’s defenders to constantly have to look like fools as their lies are exposed on a daily basis. The latest revelation comes from Trump’s former advisor, John Bolton, who says he was told by the President that the military aid funds for Ukraine were being held until their country helped him gather and manufacture dirt on his political opponent. Trump’s crimes are now confirmed by his inner circle. But this new information didn’t come forward because of the impeachment trial going on in the Senate. Bolton hasn’t been called as a witness by the Senate because so far the GOP has blocked the idea of hearing from witnesses or looking at new evidence. No, this deeply disturbing evidence of Trump abusing the powers of his office to bribe a foreign country to meddle in our elections on his behalf came because a draft of a book authored by Bolton was leaked. It’s not right that John Bolton’s book publishers know more than United States Senators know during one of the most important moments in American political history. The Senators have the power to examine more evidence, to hear more accounts, but the GOP has fallen on their knees for Trump and they don’t want to face his crimes. But they should know that even if they acquit him in the Senate, it won’t stop the long march of truth from continuing to pour out. They will be on the wrong side of history and their legacy will be one of destroying a Party.
That is, the ones who don’t end up in jail. —Joe
This is more than a fight for the presidency.
Thank you so much for being brave and standing up for
the future of our country! We know we send a lot of emails — it's
because this movement is powered by grassroots supporters like you and
it's so important that we work together to defeat Donald Trump. But we
still understand if you'd prefer not to recieve them anymore.