John, I know all of you receive a lot of different emails and texts about everything going on at the capitol. It can be easy to forget why True Texas Project exists and what all of us are working towards. True Texas Project was originally North East Tarrant Tea Party (NETTP), and I founded the group in 2009. I was fed up with our government spending. I was tired of elected officials telling me one thing and doing another. I knew I needed to do something about it. With my husband and a few close friends, NETTP kicked off its journey to making a difference in the lone star state. In 2019, we rebranded to True Texas Project to reflect our expanded vision: take everything we learned with NETTP and multiply it around the state. We currently have 18 groups and are the largest conservative grassroots group in Texas. Our group has grown, but we still care about just one thing! TTP exists to educate citizens so they can become engaged to make a difference in all levels of their government. That means we hold monthly meetings at all of our satellite locations with great speakers. It means we send out action alerts with easy to follow steps for people to make their voices heard. It means we travel to the state capitol to testify on important legislation. TTP is made up of normal citizens. We’re all busy with work, family, and church activities, but we want to leave Texas better than we found it. |