From Castro HQ <[email protected]>
Subject Joaquin is back
Date March 21, 2023 7:55 PM
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# [#]At the end of March, Joaquin is up against his first FEC deadline since he recovered from his surgery, and the stakes are very high.

A Trump judge in Texas is on the verge of banning access to critical reproductive healthcare pills, and some in the legislature are pushing an agenda of hateful extremism. That's why we need to report strong results to the FEC.

Please pitch in what you can here to ensure Joaquin can report strong numbers to the FEC! We need to raise another $4,219 by midnight to close our budget gap, so any amount helps: [[link removed]]

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As I recover from my surgery, I want to take a moment to thank my brother Julián for helping me continue to move forward while I focused on getting better. In addition to Julián, your well-wishes and ideas for moving our country in the right direction were part of what helped me get through this challenging time, and I can't thank you enough.

While I'm still not back to 100%, I'm back at it because this is a critical time for Texas. A judge is considering banning access to abortion pills, and the Texas legislature continues to attack our voting rights, promote cruelty toward immigrants, deny the reality of gun violence, and more.

That's why I need your help to spread our message before publicly reporting my numbers to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) at the end of March. To catch up and make up for the time I've been out, I need to raise $5,291 by tomorrow at midnight. Can I count on you to rush a donation? [[link removed]]
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.

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With gratitude,

Castro for Congress
P.O. Box 544
San Antonio, TX, 78292
United States
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