Hello John,
Do you think being fully informed about jury nullification means you can't get on a jury? Not true! But it helps if you know something about how the system works and how to navigate it.
You have a real gem of an opportunity to learn how to maximize your chances of serving as a fully informed juror! Join us TOMORROW, 22 March at noon Eastern/11 am Central/10 am Mountain/9 am Pacific on Zoom or the official FIJA Facebook page.

Larry Sharpe has both served as a juror and a jury selection and trial prep consultant. We'll pick his brain for tips on what fully informed prospective jurors can expect starting with jury selection all the way through deliberations.

Register for the Webinar on Zoom
Watch on Facebook at the Scheduled Time

As many of you are no doubt wondering, YES! The presentation will be recorded!
I have been so busy juggling various FIJA projects that I'm a little behind on video editing. My apologies! I am on travel right now, but as soon as I get back home to my desktop computer with the large monitor, I'll be camping out in front of it to get those caught up and posted to YouTube. You can expect some email announcements as those get posted.

For Liberty, Justice, and Peace in Our Lifetimes,
Executive Director
Fully Informed Jury Association