URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Idaho just proposed a plan that would KILL 90% of the gray wolf population!

Idaho is one of the few states that has ZERO protections for wolves. For years, Republican state lawmakers have been teaming up with the hunting lobby to try and make it even EASIER TO MURDER these iconic animals.

The state already passed a law expanding vicious wolf hunting, which included a permanent YEAR-ROUND wolf-trapping season, as well as permission for trophy hunters to obtain an UNLIMITED number of “wolf tags” so they can INDISCRIMINATELY MASSACRE as many helpless wolves as they want. Terrified wolves are being tortured, trapped, mangled, choked, and shot to death -- and it’s all completely legal.

Now, the Idaho Fish & Game Commission has just introduced a new 6-year “management plan” that would result in KILLING 90% of the wolf population. Without federal protections, states like Idaho will succeed in passing cruel wolf-killing policies -- and trophy hunters could mercilessly WIPE OUT this precious species forever. Please take action NOW to demand that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service protect all wolves under the Endangered Species Act before it’s too late! >>

Reckless overhunting and savage poaching are threatening to completely ANNIHILATE the entire gray wolf population across the country, and we could soon lose this nationally treasured species forever.

Wolves are social animals that rely on their pack for survival. If just a single wolf dies, the chance of survival for the rest of the pack significantly decreases. And studies show that HUMAN-CAUSED wolf mortality triggers even MORE pack instability than death not caused by humans.

That means it only takes ONE wolf death at the hands of vicious trophy hunters to threaten the entire pack. Now think about the HUNDREDS of innocent wolves that are SLAUGHTERED in Idaho over one hunting season. 

Idaho’s new wolf-killing plan would leave only 500 wolves remaining in the state, which could set off a series of devastating consequences for this vulnerable species and send this beloved canine to EXTINCTION. Friend, your action today could determine the fate of vulnerable gray wolves. Will you help SAVE these treasured animals from being brutally murdered?  

Thanks for taking action to protect gray wolves,
Friends of the Earth
