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March 21, 2023
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House Poised to Vote on Parents Bill of Rights

As one of House Republicans’ top priorities, the Parents Bill of Rights (H.R. 5) is headed for a vote at the end of this week. Parents have recently coalesced to oppose extreme policies such as mask mandates, graphic sexual books in libraries, and curriculum that confuses students regarding sexual orientation and critical race theory. Instead of applauding their efforts to be more engaged in their child’s education, they have been met with insults and attempts to silence them.
Now, Republicans are taking a stand for our children’s futures by clarifying the rights of parents and therefore strengthening the family unit. H.R. 5 is an incredible piece of legislation that protects children in public schools. In summary, the bill focuses on five principles

  1. Parents have the right to know what's being taught. They will be able to view and make copies of the curriculum at no cost to them. Also, parents must be given a list of books accessible to children at the school’s library.
  2. School boards will be required to allow parents to address the board in public forums.Parents have the right to be heard
  3. Any school that receives Title I funds will be required to allow parents access to view how taxpayer money is being spent. Parents have the right to see the school budget and spending.
  4. Parents will be given the opportunity to consent or object to technology use, vaccinations, physical or mental exams, and data-collecting surveys. Additionally, any data collected will not be sold to any third-party company. Parents have the right to protect their child’s privacy.
  5. Whether incidences of bullying occur, or a student brings a weapon to school, parents will be notified of these occurrences. Parents have the right to be updated on any violent activity at school. 

The bill also addresses the use of gender pronouns and bathroom accommodations. If a school employee plans to use a different pronoun or name or provides an alternative bathroom for a student, notification must be given to the parent.
We know that every one of these policies should be common sense, but the assault on parents across our nation demands Congressional action. It's time to join the parents who are raising their voices against the radical political agendas in public schools. Make your voice heard by contacting your Representative today.
Eagle Forum asks for your help in contacting your Representative and ask them to vote YES on the Parents Bill of Rights, H.R. 5.  

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