Dear Friend,


Unless the Council acts, May 1, DC tenants in rent controlled buildings will  face the highest rent increase in the 30+ year history of the program. The only way to protect renters from these increases is for the DC Council to act now and pass emergency legislation to protect them. Housing Committee Chair Robert White must lead in protecting tenants. 

You can use the script below as a guide, but feel free to share any personal reasons for why you are making this phone call. Please be sure to share if you live in rent controlled housing and this increase will affect your life. 


CM Robert White: (202)-724-8174


"Hi, my name is ______, and I live in (Ward # or neighborhood). I’m calling to ask the Councilmember as Chair of the Housing Committee to introduce emergency legislation to strengthen rent control and protect renters. Rent stabilized tenants are still struggling to catch up from pandemic-induced financial difficulties, and starting May 1, they could face increases of up to 8.9%. That's almost double the average rent increase since the beginning of the rent stabilization program in DC.


I am calling on the Councilmember to lead legislation that would eliminate the 2% on top on inflation allowed in rent increases for rent-controlled units and cap annual increases at 5% for all rent-controlled units. I am advocating for this because I believe that DC government needs to take action to keep tenants in their homes [or a different reason this is important to you]. Thank you for taking my call."


Please email me and let me know how your call went or if you would like to get more involved in this campaign to stop displacement and protect tenants. I'm at [email protected].


In solidarity, 


Damiana Dendy

Housing Organizer

DC Jobs with Justice
