Your Questions Answered
Episode 149 Uploaded March 19: Sam Goldman speaks with Refuse Fascism Editorial Board members historian Paul Street and contributing editor for, Coco Das, on questions listeners ask such as:
What's with this yearning for Lost Empire?
Do liberals understand fascism?
Are we waiting for the fascists to implode?
Where's the outrage? and much more...
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Sam Goldman:
Fascism doesn't pack up and go home because of hush money charges. This is no time for complacency. To quote the final lines of Bradley Onishi's Preparing for War, "January 6th was not the end of a movement. This was not the last stand of a dying faction. It was the first violent battle in what they foresee as a coming civil war." Oh, yeah, did we mention that Trump's campaign rally on Saturday March 25 is in Waco, Texas? Yeah, Waco, victim-hood, savior, avenger, and guns, guns guns. Stay tuned for more from Refuse Fascism on a possible indictment. Make sure to follow us on social media @Refuse Fascism for the latest.
If you appreciate the show, and want to help us reach more people who want to refuse fascism, be a gem and go write a review, and drop those five stars wherever you listen to your pods. We really can't over-emphasize what a difference this makes. Please tell the people out there in podcast land why you listen, and they should too. Make sure to subscribe/follow so you never miss an episode. And of course, keep up all that great commenting, sharing on social media.
Shout out to our new patrons. Our goal is 50 patrons -- sustainers -- by our 150th episode which posts on Sunday March 26. You can become a patron for as little as $2 a month
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Decision in TX Abortion Medication Case Coming Very Soon:
Fascist Judges: Keep Your Hands Off Abortion Medication!
Last week, there was a hearing in the case that could up end abortion access nationwide. No matter how the judge rules, the very existence of this illegitimate lawsuit is further evidence that the Christian fascists who are driving the assault on abortion rights are not stopping. They will continue to attack and restrict abortion and birth control again and again until they win it all or are decisively defeated through mass political resistance and struggle.
>> Take Action if there is a negative decision (banning mifepristone)
Protests the day of, or day after, the decision out of Amarillo, TX
Posted here: RiseUp4AbortionRights webinar from March 19 with Merle Hoffman, Sunsara Taylor, Sam Goldman, Chantelle Piper, Patricia Wallin

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