Friend, if the Arctic continues to warm at the current rate, experts predict it could be completely ice-free as early as 2054! Animals in the Arctic are already enduring some of the very worst consequences of human-driven climate change and are suffering from malnutrition, starvation, and habitat loss.
In fact, the Southern Beaufort Sea polar bear population is the most imperiled polar bear population in the entire WORLD, with only 900 of these precious animals remaining.
Now, the Biden Administration has just passed a rule allowing Big Oil and Gas to HARASS already-threatened polar bears by performing intensive drilling and other industrial activities in this fragile region -- so we MUST send a strong public message that we won’t stand for any more dirty energy handouts! Take action NOW to demand the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service DOES NOT authorize new or expanded oil and gas activities under this new rule >>
This new rule permitting oil operators to harass polar bears and other wildlife in the Beaufort Sea and North Slope regions is a VIOLATION of the Marine Mammals Protection Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, AND the Endangered Species Act.
Big Oil’s harmful noise pollution, massive equipment, and vehicle traffic will scare helpless polar bears and disrupt critical bear denning and eating sites. These disturbances can even harm polar bear survival mechanisms and impair their ability to properly feed, hunt, tend to their young, and interact with each other. For denning cubs, who are weak and need time in their dens with their mothers, this harassment can be FATAL.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s own science presented a 95% probability that permitting this oil and gas activity will cause SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH to polar bears -- but the agency swept those findings under the rug! Friend, will you sit back and let Big Oil’s corporate greed exploit the Arctic and push vulnerable polar bears closer to EXTINCTION? Or will you fight back right now?
Thanks for protecting polar bears and the Arctic,
Friends of the Earth