Elizabeth Warren just got an avalanche of public endorsements from over 3,000 elected leaders

Today, thousands of elected leaders, activists, organizers, creatives, influencers, and activists have come together to endorse Elizabeth Warren for President.

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BIG NEWS: Today, one week before the Iowa caucuses, Elizabeth Warren just got an avalanche of public endorsements from over 3,000 elected leaders, progressive movement leaders, progressive economists, and other activists and influencers.

Progressives are stepping out for Warren together -- when it matters most! Join as an endorser right now!

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Among the 3,000 endorsers today are 80 elected officials from 25 states (20 are from swing state Michigan, 7 are from Wisconsin). It also includes prominent economic voices Heather McGhee, Dean Baker, and Larry Mishel. And luminary organizers ranging from Marshall Ganz to Heather Booth. This comes on the heels of major endorsements from the Des Moines Register and New York Times.

Here is just some of what today’s endorsers are saying:

Susheela Jayapal, County Commissioner in Oregon: "My choice has been between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. I voted for Bernie in 2016, and continue to admire and appreciate his fierce advocacy. But 2020 is not 2016. In 2020, more than ever, we need bold policy and advocacy -- and we also need a president who can actually govern. A president who understands and can operate the levers of influence. A president with the skills and temperament to push, to pull, to exercise power and to build power around her. A president who gets things done. Elizabeth Warren is that president." Add your endorsement.

Audrey D from NY, activist like you: "Warren's policies appeal to me, and I think she has a much better chance of beating Trump in a debate than Bernie, Biden, etc. She knows who she is, and her sincerity is authentic." Add your endorsement.

Suzanne Stotlar, School Board member in CA: "Elizabeth Warren is able to explain complex issues in terms anyone can understand. She is the candidate who can lead, excite, and unite the party and the country." Add your endorsement.

Angela Peoples, leader of Black Womxn For: "This surge of endorsements shows that Warren is coalescing support from progressives who want to unify the Democratic Party around an agenda of big, bold, structural change -- and see Warren as the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump." Add your endorsement.

Dean Baker, legendary progressive economist: "We are fortunate to have two outstanding progressive candidates, but Senator Warren will likely have the better prospects in the election and will be better able to govern as president. Warren was able to navigate around the opposition from some Democrats and from the Republican Congress to get the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created. She has demonstrated the necessary skills to overcome opposition from what is almost certain to be a Congress hostile to progressive reforms." Add your endorsement.

Leslie S from WA, activist like you: "Much as I love Bernie, I think Elizabeth Warren will do better in a debate with Trump and will make a better President. Her approach to problems and issues is practical, without losing ideological focus. And she's all about equal access, opportunity, pay scales, housing choices, and more." Add your endorsement.

Joe Nigro, Public Defender in Nebraska: "I endorsed Elizabeth Warren because she could be the FDR of this era. I have been fortunate to see five of the candidates this last year. Senator Warren was especially impressive, and the energy she generated in the room showed me that she is the candidate who can best inspire people to volunteer and to vote." Add your endorsement.

Heather McGhee, national progressive leader and thinker: "In 2021, the stakes will be sky-high for a progressive president to show that we can actually fix our government and transform our economy. Only Senator Warren has shown that she can get the job done. By dreaming up and then creating a brand new agency for consumers, she showed that she gets how to make government work for us like nobody else on our side. She has a concrete plan -- from ending the filibuster to tackling corruption on Day One -- to revolutionize our politics. I have worked with Sen. Sanders over the years, too, and am a huge fan. I think they will be a powerful team, but Elizabeth Warren has what it takes to lead." Add your endorsement.

Sam J from CA, PCCC activist like you: "I am endorsing Elizabeth Warren because of her consistent focus on the middle class and willingness to fight for bold solutions on issues like climate change. We need to defeat Trump and she is our best hope. Elizabeth Warren has the experience to root out corruption and restore the rules of the road in our economy." Add your endorsement.

Heather Booth, legendary organizer, feminist, civil rights activist: "Warren is the candidate who can inspire, stand up, and win." Add your endorsement.

Add your endorsement here -- along with why you support Elizabeth Warren!

Warren has received endorsements from the PCCC, Working Families Party, Julian Castro and House members including Deborah Haaland (NM), Ayanna Pressley (MA), Katie Porter (CA), Katherine Clark (MA), Andy Levin (MI), and Jamie Raskin (MD). She also recently was endorsed by Iowa’s Senate Democratic leader, New Hampshire’s former House Speaker, over 100 union leaders in Iowa and in New Hampshire, national climate leaders, over 100 black women activists, 140 AAPI leaders, and more.

Now it's your turn. Endorse Warren publicly today!

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-- The PCCC Elections Team

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.

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