Arise Update

In This Issue...

March 20, 2023



We hope you enjoy this preview of Alabama Arise’s weekly legislative update! Every week during the Alabama Legislature’s regular session, we send members like you an up-to-the-minute summary of what you need to know from the past week at the State House – and what to expect in the week ahead.

We are proud to offer this as a members-only benefit of Arise. If you enjoy this recap but aren’t yet a member, join us today with a gift of any amount by April 1 and you will continue receiving this recap throughout the session. Memberships renew annually.

To help cover the cost of our membership program, we suggest a gift of at least $50, or a gift of $5 a month. We hope you will consider sustaining our work year-round by becoming a monthly donor. Just click “make this donation recurring” below your gift amount. Thank you for your support of our movement for a better Alabama!

If you cannot afford a membership but would like to join Arise, email development associate McKenzie Burton at [email protected].


Arise legislative update: March 20, 2023

Join us at Cover Alabama's first lobby day on Tuesday, March 21! Debbie Smith, the Cover Alabama campaign director for Alabama Arise, invites you to take part in this event either by joining in person in Montgomery or advocating on social media. The day will serve as an opportunity to focus on the life-changing and life-saving importance of Medicaid expansion in Alabama.

Cover Alabama: Register now: Cover Alabama 2023 Lobby Day

Join Cover Alabama in Montgomery on Tuesday, March 21, to hear personal stories from people in the coverage gap, health care experts, faith leaders and more. Resources will be available to help you speak directly with your lawmakers about the need to close the coverage gap in Alabama.

Alabama Arise: You're invited: Arise Legislative Day 2023

Your voice matters! Make plans to speak up for a better Alabama by attending Arise's 2023 Legislative Day on Tuesday, April 11, in Montgomery. Legislative Day is an annual opportunity for Arise supporters to meet their lawmakers and make the case for policy changes to improve life for everyday Alabamians. 

Please register by Monday, April 3.

Alabamians for Fair Justice: 2023 Lobby Day

Alabamians for Fair Justice (AFJ) will gather in Montgomery on Tuesday, April 4, to advocate for numerous reforms of the criminal justice system in our state. Alabama Arise is a member of the AFJ coalition.

Alabama Political Reporter: Advocacy groups to rally for Medicaid expansion

The Alabama Political Reporter previews Tuesday's Cover Alabama event in Montgomery and explores why Medicaid expansion is a better financial choice than ever before for Alabama.

Alabama Arise: Expand Medicaid and close Alabama’s health coverage gap

"Closing the health coverage gap is one of the biggest policy changes available to move our state forward," Arise's Debbie Smith wrote in a new fact sheet.

Alabama Arise: Brewton community event on Medicaid expansion in Alabama

Medicaid expansion is vital both for those seeking health care and those providing it. Watch highlights of a community event that Arise recently co-hosted in Brewton, where doctors and health officials spoke passionately about the need for Alabama to expand Medicaid.

Valley Labor Report: What's happening in the Alabama legislative session? w/ Alabama Arise

"Alabama Arise is a member-led organization," Arise's Robyn Hyden told the Valley Labor Report. "That means our members pay dues, and our members select our priority legislative agenda to help poor and working-class folks at the State House." Watch starting at the 21:14 mark for more on our 2023 goals, and for more on how you can help grow and sustain our movement for change.

Alabama Public Radio: Alabama legislators consider putting money back in the pockets of Alabamians

If lawmakers pursue rebates, they "ought to be targeted to families for whom they could really make a difference in that family's ability to put food on the table, pay rent and keep the lights on," Arise's Carol Gundlach told Alabama Public Radio.

Alabama Reflector: DHR to provide summer food assistance to children with SNAP benefits

The Summer P-EBT program is a crucial tool to reduce hunger and feed children living in low-income households in Alabama and across the country. "Particularly in rural parts of the state, it's really hard for [families] to get to a place where they can get a meal for the summer," Arise's Carol Gundlach told the Alabama Reflector.


Alabama Public Radio: Alabama Medicaid 'unwinding' review process to start in coming weeks

With the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration nearing an end, Alabama Medicaid will resume its traditional process of eligibility verification beginning April 1. More than 60,000 Alabamians could lose health coverage by June 2024 as a result, but individuals can take steps to help ensure they stay covered. "The first thing that you need to do is make sure that if you receive any mailing from Medicaid, that you respond," Arise's Jennifer Harris told Alabama Public Radio.

Alabama Channel: Live and recorded legislative meetings

The Alabama Channel is a searchable library of live and recorded videos of floor debates and committee meetings at the Alabama Legislature. It is a project of the League of Women Voters of Alabama Education Fund.

Bills we're watching

  • SB 47 by Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, would eliminate the 2% income tax rate on the first $500 of taxable income for individuals and the first $1,000 of taxable income for couples. The Senate Finance and Taxation Education Committee will consider SB 47 on Wednesday. Arise is monitoring SB 47. 
  • SB 48 by Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, would phase in a reduction of the top income tax rate. The Senate Finance and Taxation Education Committee will consider SB 48 on Wednesday. Arise is monitoring SB 48.

Alabama Arise tracks legislation related to our members' interests. You can find our Bills of Interest here.


Alabama Arise

P.O. Box 1188, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

(334) 832-9060  ·  [email protected]

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