When you tune in to the Golf Channel, what do you see? Expert coverage of the world’s finest golf pros.
But you might not know that camera operators and technicians, who bring that coverage to 71 million homes, often are standing on towers 30 to 50 feet above the grass. Worse, Golf Channel operators and technicians have been pleading to management for years to bring attention to the seriousness of fast-moving lightning storms, like the one in August 2019 that injured six people who were taking cover under a pine tree when it was struck by lightning during the PGA Tour in Atlanta.
The Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) union is working to preserve and expand protections for these operators and technicians in a new contract. However, the current IATSE-Golf Channel contract expired Jan. 24, and management has been dragging its feet and ignoring workers’ safety concerns.
Golf Channel operators and technicians need your support to get out of the sand trap of substandard wages and unsafe conditions. If enough of us sign the IATSE’s petition, we can bring the Golf Channel back to the table and make management negotiate a safe and fair deal!