BREAKING NEWS ON BOLAND V BONTA OUT OF THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN DIVISION: CALIFORNIA HANDGUN ROSTER RULED UNCONSTITUTIONAL! In a decision sure to rock California’s anti-gun politicians, United States District Judge Cormac J. Carney just issued a decision that has struck down the state’s “Handgun Roster” – declaring that “Californians have the constitutional right to acquire and use state-of-the-art handguns to protect themselves. They should not be forced to settle for decade-old models of handguns to ensure that they remain safe inside or outside the home.” To read the full decision, click HERE. To watch an analysis of the ruling by Anthony Miranda, the Armed Scholar, click HERE. The decision goes on to read “The Second Amendment enshrines a fundamental constitutional right for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms for self-defense. Increasingly in modern times, with “the ubiquity of guns and our country’s high level of gun violence,” ordinary law-abiding people feel a need to possess handguns to protect themselves against violence.” The Roster will be officially invalidated in 14 days; this gives the State of California (Attorney General Rob Bonta) time to request an emergency stay by the 9th Circuit court of appeals. Thanks to the 2022 Bruen decision, it is no longer a sure thing that the 9th will issue such a stay. Kudos to our 2A partners at CRPA for filing the suit. In other news, with the President signing Executive Orders that he believes will stem the tide of gun violence, GOC’s phones were ringing off the hook requesting comment. Below are some brief snapshots of Sam Paredes in the news – in California and across the nation: Mixed Reaction To Biden's Executive Order Aimed At Reducing Gun Violence (10 News.Com) “There is nothing there that is really new especially here in California where we have more gun control laws than any other state in the union and yet we have the dubious distinction of having more mass shootings in California than any other state,” said GOC Executive Director Sam Paredes in an interview from Sacramento. Biden Visits Monterey Park, Discusses Gun-Violence Reduction | MSN and “Given that the vast majority of criminal gun violence comes from a small number of repeat offenders, the focus needs to be on this subsection of society, rather than responsible and lawful gun owners,” Paredes told City News Service. Paredes said Biden has “consistently demonstrated his ignorance on everything related to guns and the Second Amendment, publicly stating that the Constitution and Second Amendment were `never absolute.’ He had made a number of prior comments that citizens shouldn’t be able to own popular guns that are in common use today for lawful purposes.” Biden Uses Mass Shooting To Push Gun Control – One America News Network ( “As a matter of fact, it was a photo op and everything that he proposed in his executive order is already part of the law; it’s already federal law and state laws, and how has that been working for you … In California we have every law: we have super- duper background checks, we have magazine bans, we have assault weapon bans, we have a semi-automatic pistol roster we are allowed to purchase, and California still has the highest number of mass shootings in the country by FAR… That should tell you all of these gun control laws mean NOTHING. “ GOC Testifies Against Body Armor Ban | GOA Youtube A great GOA Minute Man video of GOC’s Sam Paredes testifying in committee. LAPD Introduces ‘Ghost Gun’ Snitch Line | Ammoland This is both a futile and dishonest show that they are “doing something.” LASD Gang Charges Underscore Threat of Enforcers Being ‘Only Ones’ with Guns | AmmoLand “CA has some of the strictest gun laws in the country but yet, look at what we just had today,” Luna declared following the Monterey Park killings Los Angeles is Going to the Dogs | AmmoLand Crime has increased over 11% this year, yet politicians focus on banning guns. Santa Monica Council Member Lets Mask Slip On Carry Costs | Bearing Arms $600 just to apply for a CCW license is beyond ridiculous. Another SoCal City Prepares To Price Gouge CCW Applicants | Bearing Arms The most recent news on CCW costs in La Verne. GOA Files Lawsuit Challening Michigan State Gun Ban | Bearing Arms GOA doing what GOA does best…challenging unconstitutional laws! Poll Echoes Industry Data: Hispanic-Americans Value Gun Rights | NSSF GOC’s membership proves this point in a big way. Despite CA’s Shootings, Biden Wants To Emulate Us | | The title says it all. Tickets for upcoming GOC fundraising events are selling fast! Great Gun Giveaway and Clay Shoot at Camanche Hills Sacramento Crab Feed Banquet Oroville Banquet Go online at GOC or call 916-984-1400 TODAY to get yours! |