Hi John,
For more than a year, working people have joined together to demand Starbucks respect its employees’ right to organize a union so workers can have a voice in their workplace to advocate for better pay and scheduling. We need your help to fight back against one of the most prolific union-busters in U.S. history.
On March 22, the eve of the 2023 Starbucks’ annual shareholders meeting, Starbucks will host a celebration for founder Howard Schultz in Seattle. That same day, Starbucks workers are asking us all to take action with Adopt a Store visibility events across the country to hold Starbucks accountable.
Can you join us on Wednesday to send Starbucks a strong message that we won’t tolerate its bullying tactics?
RSVP here to find an event near you or adopt your own store and add it to the campaign map.
Banners, placards, and handouts can be downloaded here and printed locally for your action. Make sure to post on social media from your store on March 22 so Starbucks hears from all of us.
Now more than ever, we stand with Starbucks workers and hold Starbucks accountable for its bullying. Join us and stand with workers.
See you on March 22.
In Solidarity.