On Thursday, March 16th we hosted a livestream conversation with David Schwartz, Our Children’s Trust Staff Attorney, where he provided an inside scoop on what it’s like preparing for trial in Montana, the importance of this case for young people in Montana, and what this trial - the first ever constitutional climate trial, and first ever children's climate trial, in U.S. history! - means for the protection of children’s constitutional climate rights across the country. If you were not able to join us for the event, we're happy to share a recording of it below.
WATCH RECORDING: On Facebook https://fb.watch/jktnNdJ6gD/ or Vimeo https://vimeo.com/809165559
As always, we are so grateful for your support. Please consider making a gift today to help our lawyers prepare their arguments, to ready the 16 youth plaintiffs, their families, and our world-renowned experts for their testimony at trial, and to hone the most powerful constitutional case possible for Judge Seely's consideration. Thank you.
The Team at Our Children’s Trust