Dear John
"There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all." This was today’s stark warning from the UN. Whose scientists just delivered their "final warning" on the climate crisis.
This shouldn’t come as news to anyone. And yet last year we were forced to take the UK government to court over its inadequate and unlawful climate strategy.
We won. Which means the government has until 31 March to produce a new plan.
Please can you sign this urgent petition to tell the UK government: fix your weak net zero strategy. Our future depends on it.
Today’s UN report warns that over 3 billion people live in areas that are “highly vulnerable” to climate breakdown. The number of lives at risk is almost incomprehensible.
Hundreds of species have already been lost. And many ecosystems are facing almost irreversible changes.
The facts are, quite frankly, terrifying. But now’s not the time to give up hope. In fact the UN’s scientists have called their report a survival guide.
They say everyone has to act. Right now. So please urge the UK government to do its bit. And produce a proper strategy with concrete plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions at the rate humanity needs.
Thank you again to everyone who supported the historic legal case – alongside ClientEarth and Good Law Project – that created this opportunity. Without you the government wouldn’t have to come up with a new strategy.
Now we’ve heard the UN’s warning, let’s make the most of it.
All the best,
Mike Childs,
Head of Science, Research and Policy, Friends of the Earth