Dear John,
Learning for Justice is thrilled to be hosting our first Professional Learning Institutes this summer in Alabama and Mississippi! The institutes are low-cost, week-long, immersive, place-based learning experiences that support educators’ capacities to implement social justice education in their practice. Applications to attend the institutes are now open. The deadline to apply is April 16.
The institutes are free to attend, and LFJ will be covering the costs of all lodging, food and learning experiences during the Professional Learning Institutes. Attendees will be responsible for transportation costs to and from the institutes. We aim to provide low-cost, accessible learning experiences for everyone. If you are interested in joining a Professional Learning Institute but worried about transportation costs, we still encourage you to apply. Financial assistance may be available upon request.
Below are details about this summer’s institute. Join us at 5 p.m. CT on Tuesday, March 21, for an informational call and Q&A.
Critical Practices Professional Learning Institute
June 26-30 | Jackson, Mississippi
Open to educators in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi
Educators will:
- Deeply with the four pillars of Critical Practices for Social Justice Education (Curriculum & Instruction, Culture & Climate, Family & Community Engagement, and Leadership) and develop plans to implement these practices in their contexts.
- Experience and contextualize liberatory learning models.
- Participate in a reflective community space as they prepare to apply principles of social justice education in their practice, including planning to apply similar practices for developing inclusive learning spaces in their own contexts.
Teaching Hard History: American Slavery Professional Learning Institute
July 17-21 | Montgomery, Alabama
Open to educators in the United States, with preference given to those teaching in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Educators will:
- Engage deeply with the Teaching Hard History: American Slavery framework and accompanying resources to grow their ability to accurately teach the impact and legacy of American slavery.
- Experience multiple methods of instruction, including how other organizations use the power of place to increase knowledge and skill in effective practices in teaching American slavery.
- Participate in a reflective community space as they prepare to apply principles of social justice education in their practice, including planning to apply similar practices for developing inclusive learning spaces in their own contexts.
The Professional Learning Institutes are designed to help every educator push back against the status quo and reimagine what’s possible for students, schools and communities in our diverse democracy. We hope you’ll consider applying!

Jalaya Liles Dunn
Director, Learning for Justice
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