and what we can do to change the fate of our planet

Whitehouse for Senate


I was in the Senate when the Supreme Court made the disastrous decision in Citizens United, opening up the floodgates for unlimited, untraceable special interest money in politics. Before, there was bipartisan work on climate. Overnight, Republicans fled from commonsense climate legislation, fearing the fossil fuel industry’s mammoth new spending.

The biggest obstacle in the way of Congress taking real action to fight climate change is dark money.

I am doing everything in my power to unlock major progress on climate change and to stop the fossil fuel industry from continuing to poison our politics. If you’re with me, chip in just $5 to my campaign right now >>

Fossil fuel industry money keeps Republicans from doing anything serious in Congress about climate change. The GOP knows full well that if they step up to lower emissions, Big Oil will deliver political consequences.

As long as untraceable special interest money is allowed to slosh around in our elections, we won’t make the kind of progress on climate change that we need to, and we won’t have the democracy we deserve. So please, while I work to lead the planet to safety by taking on the fossil fuel industry, will you make a donation to my campaign? This is a battle we can only win together.

Thank you,








Paid for by Whitehouse for Senate


Whitehouse for Senate
P.O. Box 40280
Providence, RI 02940
United States

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