We all deserve access to quality dental care, no matter our race, where we live, or what insurance we can afford. But in Washington state, more than 2 million residents, particularly people in communities of color, low-income families, and residents of rural communities, do not have access to the dental care they need.
You've been telling us all session about how lack of access to oral health care is harmful to you, your families, and your communities. For the first time ever, we have a chance to send that message to the Senate: ESHB 1678, which will authorize dental therapists to practice in community-based health care settings, has a hearing in the Senate Health Care Committee this week! Dental therapy is a safe, well-researched way to increase access to culturally-competent, community-focused oral healthcare.
There are two actions you can take to support this important action: Tell your lawmakers to vote YES on ESHB 1678 so that all Washingtonians can have access to affordable, local oral healthcare and sign in PRO by 7:00am on Tuesday, March 21!