There’s an urgent crisis facing our bees, Friend. Scientists around the world are sounding the alarm on an INSECT APOCALYPSE! Pollinators are rapidly vanishing, in large part due to toxic pesticides!
Pollinators are essential to many ecosystems. Without them, many plants would be unable to reproduce, unraveling the food web and LEAVING ANIMALS WITHOUT VITAL FOOD. Pollinators also facilitate the beautiful blooms we enjoy in spring and the very food crops that we eat. In fact, you can thank pollinators like bees for 1 of every 3 bites of food on our plates.
But corporate grocery stores like Kroger are selling food grown with toxic pesticides, including neonics which are key drivers of pollinator declines. These chemicals are DEADLY TO BEES, attacking their nervous systems and damaging their ability to navigate, find food, fight diseases, and EVEN REPRODUCE!
Kroger could score a major victory for bees, and for itself -- bees pollinate the food it sells! But Kroger has made it clear it won’t act without pressure. That’s why we need YOU. Friend, will you PROTECT bees and tell Kroger to STOP selling food grown with toxic pesticides by 11:59pm TONIGHT?
Let’s be clear, Friend. The pollinator crisis is URGENT! 40% of insect pollinators are on the brink of extinction as Kroger’s shelves continue to be stocked with food sprayed with chemicals that can KILL BEES. Every second Kroger waits to take action, it further endangers pollinators, our ecosystems, and our food system. We can’t let that happen!
Kroger is putting profits before bees, before the sustainability of our food system, and before HUMAN HEALTH! The impact of toxic pesticides is not just limited to bees. Glyphosate, another pesticide applied to the food that Kroger sells, has been linked to cancer, hormone disruption, shortened pregnancy, and fatty liver disease. This is not just about protecting bees, it’s about protecting people too!
Don't wait, Friend -- the science is clear, and we need to hold Kroger accountable for the sake of our health, our pollinators, and our planet’s future. We need 56 more people from your area to demand Kroger STOP selling food grown with toxic pesticides to reach our goal. Let’s show Kroger that we won’t stand for their reckless actions anymore!
Standing with you,
Paolo Mutia
Food and agriculture campaigner,
Friends of the Earth