The 2023 legislative session continues with Democrats still refusing to reform the failed – and deadly – pro-criminal bill that they passed in 2021.
Shift Washington

The 2023 legislative session continues with House Democrats still refusing to reform the failed – and deadly – pro-criminal no-pursuit law that they passed in 2021. But as always, we here at Shift WA have you covered with some of this week’s most read stories and insights into what is going on in your own political backyard! Read on…

This week’s Newsmaker Interview…
State Senator Shelly Short (R – 7th LD) joined us for this week’s Newsmaker Interview. Representing a heavily agricultural area, Sen. Short gave her thoughts on Governor Jay Inslee’s failure to follow the law and exempt farmers from the impact of the his expensive cap-and-trade policies. She also offered insights into the governor killing the bi-partisan effort to improve fish runs on agricultural lands. Among other topics, Sen. Short concluded by offering her views on reforming agriculture overtime laws and improving wildfire prevention methods. Read more.

This week’s top story…
Democrats in the Washington State Legislature refuse to reform a law – jammed through on a party-line vote in 2021 – which is causing innocent people across our state to die. Adding insult to injury, Democrats are using a faulty study to claim that they are protecting innocent people from being harmed. Fixing the bill will all come down to the House Speaker Laurie Jinkins and her fellow Democrats as Senate Bill 5352 – an attempt to amend the failed 2021 law banning police pursuits – is now in the House awaiting her to allow it to be heard. Read this story and more.

In case you missed it…
A rider using public transportation in Snohomish County claimed that his constitutional rights had been violated when he was asked to show his ticket, or proof of payment. His case went all the way up to the State Supreme Court which, substantially, agreed with him. The highest court in our state found that removing him from the public transportation he had not paid for was an illegal seizure. Read this story and more.

Your inspiration for the week…
Democrats may be passing concerning policies – and not acting on other needed bills – but it’s never a bad idea to sit back and enjoy the beauty of our state. This photo from the collection of former U.S. Rep. Rod Chandler, features some of his Skagit Valley neighbors.

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