Derek S. Green (The Green Fund)

As Derek’s Communications Director, my main job is making sure that Derek is putting his best foot forward everyday and making sure voters know who he is and what he stands for.

But there is one area where Derek needs no help from me at all: his drip. He’s even been called “one of the most dripped out candidates” in this race.

Derek’s drip is one of a kind — and so is Derek. John, cast your vote for Derek’s best outfit so far by simply clicking on your favorite? We’ll record your response and report back with the winning results.
Derek Green - Inspector
Derek Green - Commuter
Derek Green - Statesman
Derek Green - Ascot
Derek Green - Glam
Derek Green - Beret
While all of us here at Green HQ are pretty happy that voters are loving Derek’s style, we know that’s only one facet of who he is.

Derek is a workhorse, not a show horse — getting things done for Philly takes more than having great style.

Derek is a proven leader who brings real solutions to the table, from cutting taxes for small businesses and residents, to legislation for a city public bank and gun reform, to increasing funding for more police officers and public safety.

Lots of candidates will talk about it, but Derek has already proven he can do it.

There’s a lot of work to be done and not a lot of time to do it — let us know you're on Team Green and let us know which of Derek’s looks wins your vote — he's working hard to earn yours>>

Thank you,


Paid for by The Green Fund

The Green Fund
PO Box 4984
Philadelphia, PA 19119
United States

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