Ilhan for Congress

Just making sure you saw Ilhan's note from earlier this week.

We've set some ambitious fundraising goals for this month's official FEC deadline, because it's critically important that we send a powerful message about our campaign's strength.

So please: Take a look at Ilhan's message below, and then make a contribution — of $3 or anything you can — to stand with our movement today.

Friends -

I'm writing today to ask you to make a $3 contribution to our people-powered campaign, but before I do, please give me a chance to explain why.

Here's the deal:

March is an especially important month for our campaign, and a big reason for that is our official FEC fundraising deadline at the end of it.

Once that deadline passes, we're legally required to publicly report our fundraising numbers for the year so far. The amount we've raised, how many contributions make up that amount — everything will be available for all to see. Good or bad, no matter what.

I can guarantee you that once that report is filed, our opponents — like right-wing Republican lobbyists and dark money super PACs — will be pouring through the receipts to see how we did.

The truth is, they want to know if our campaign has the resources necessary to fight back against them or not.

They want to know if it's worth pouring millions upon millions of dollars into Minnesota this election cycle to try and defeat us.

They want to know if there's blood in the water — that means our job is to show that our movement stands stronger than ever.

We don't want our opponents to like what they see when we file our FEC report, but the only way we can make sure that happens is if we're in this together. What do you say?

Can you make your first online $3 contribution to stand with our campaign today? Every donation — no matter how big or small — will show everyone the unmistakable strength of our movement for justice.

I'm incredibly proud of the way we fund this campaign. No corporate PACs, just lots and lots of people standing together and chipping in what they can.

I hope you're proud of that too.

Thank you for being a part of our movement.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033