Marianne Williamson for President
Dear John,

The $8 billion oil drilling project in Alaska is undoubtedly “recklessly irresponsible,” in the words of Al Gore. Despite President Biden’s campaign promises that there would be no further oil drilling on federal land, the project brings 200 oil drills, multiple pipelines, air strips and other fossil fuel extraction infrastructure to Alaska’s North Slope.

Science tells us, and tells us loudly, that humanity must mobilize at a global scale to end the coming climate catastrophe. We should be ramping down fossil fuel extraction, not revving it up – and people know it. Children of all creeds line the street in the millions to protest. Scientists chain themselves to trees and tractors. The soil beneath our very feet shifts in unnatural ways, propelled only by humanity’s undue influence. The planet and the people in unison are pleading for relief.

Moving forward with the Willow Project will produce 280 million metric tons of greenhouse gas, equal to adding two million cars to the roads each year. The despoliation of air, animals, trees, water, and land by endless miles of airstrips and pipelines in one of the most pristine places left on earth, will earn multi-billion-dollar profits to oil giant ConocoPhillips. They in turn will pump millions of dollars back into lobbying Washington for more.

This is what happens when corporate greed takes precedence over responsibility to people and planet.

So the system goes. And why we need to disrupt it.

Incremental change, especially regarding the climate crisis, is an inadequate response to the challenge before us. Thankfully it’s not too late to save our planet and ourselves - but we must act fast. To begin with, we need to face the corruption in our political system that allows fossil fuel companies to hold our democracy hostage. The only thing that can override the nefarious influence of their financial grip on Washington is a movement of citizens so awakened to the danger, and to our need to stop it, that we produce a revolution at the ballot box.

That is why I am running for President.
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A Williamson administration will take a full-systems approach to climate action, helping to reverse global warming and lead the planet towards long-term sustainability. We must make an emergency-level just transition from a dirty economy to a clean economy. Thousands of people make their living working for the fossil fuel industry, and the transition must prioritize their ability - for every one of them - to find good jobs in the clean energy sector. We will undergo a full-scale mobilization effort, not unlike the kind undertaken by the United States during World War II. On day one of my administration, I will cancel the Willow Project. The days of fossil fuel extraction will begin to end.

As President, I will act with the fierce urgency this crisis demands of us. But I need your help today to make our campaign grow stronger.

Please join me in the effort.
PS: Please read our Climate Policy at
Marianne Williamson about the Willow Project
Paid for by Marianne Williamson for President

Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson for President, 1901 Harrison Street, Suite 1550, Oakland, CA 94612
