Republicans are at it again. They're trying to slash Social Security and Medicare, and they're willing to hold our economy hostage to do it.(1)
But here at CREDO, we won't stand for it.

That's because, for more than 35 years, we've donated over $13 million to groups fighting to protect and expand these critical programs and create an economy that works everyone, like Social Security Works, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Economic Policy Institute, The Fairness Project, Americans for Tax Fairness, People’s Action and more.
While other phone companies support right-wing causes and politicians that want to cut Social Security and Medicare, we're donating to the progressive organizations working to make our world a better place. That is what makes CREDO Mobile unique.
Learn more about CREDO Mobile and how you can switch to a company that shares your values.
To help you make the switch, for a limited time, we are offering a $250 gift card when you bring your phone to CREDO Mobile. Call 1-866-996-4341 to learn more.