This is medicine in 2023. Who would every trust hospitals or doctors again?
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Medical Center Hospital in Odessa, Texas Bagged COVID Patients
Medical Center Hospital in Odessa TX bagged COVID patients to protect their staff. This went on for over year while doctors turned a blind eye. Powerful testimony from Dr Richard Bartlett in front of Texas Senate.

This is medicine in 2023. Who ...

US Court Rules There Is A Human Right To A ‘Life-Sustaining’ Climate
Oh G-d, adjudicating the hoax. Associate Justice Michael Wilson wrote that we are facing a “climate emergency.”

What fresh hell…..

10 years ago the UN paid scientists to cover up that the temperature hadn’t risen for 15 years. ...

NBC News reports Law Enforcement Agencies Preparing For Trump “Indictment” Next Week
The Democrats spent the last seven years persecuting Trump. There is no crime. This is totalitarian prosecution to keep our next president off the ballot.

We have the most corrupt, compromised fraudulent administration in power and their ...

CDC Bought Phone Data To Monitor Americans’ Compliance With Lockdowns, Contracts Show
These government agencies are out of control. Mad with power, these government agencies are an anathema to the founding of this once great nation. They must be stopped.

CDC Bought Phone Data To Monitor Americans' Compliance With Lockdowns, ...

BOMBSHELL Pfizer Confidential Documents: Pfizer Knew Its Covid ‘Vaccine’ Caused Myocarditis But Did Not Disclose
“There is evidence that suggests patients who receive a COVID-19 vaccine are at an increased risk of myocarditis.”

And nothing will help. We are under seige by a fraudulent regime.

Pfizer knew about myocarditis but did not disclose ...

Iran to Buy 35 Fighter Jets From Russia Thanks to Joe Biden
The Biden Administration is unwilling to impose any serious consequences on Iran for it's belligerent behaviour. As such, Russia & China will happily assist Iran in modernizing it's military. The Biden Administration's Middle East policy has been ...

NY Attorney General To Host ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for Children
Here's the thing, New York City is a hellscape. Crime is rampant. Criminals roam the streets with impunity.  The DA won't prosecute. Our problems here are huge. But this is her priority, sexualizing and abusing children.

Families are not only ...

Now The FBI Arrests Jewish Newspaper Editor Who Was at J6 Protest Two Years Ago
Pure malice. This is a nightmare. The jack-booted Democrat party of antisemitism is using the big lie of January 6th to go after their perceived political enemies.

The weaponized and increasingly Stasi-like FBI is ratcheting up the political ...

New Gallup Poll: Majority of Democrats’ Side With “Palestinians’, Support Hits Record Highs, Israel Support Plummets
Democrat party of Jew hatred. The Democrats have had a problem with antisemitism for some time.. The left hates the Jews.

Democrats' Sympathies in Middle East Shift to Palestinians

By Lydia Saad

Democrats sympathize more with ...

Billionaire Investor Warns US Capitalism ‘Breaking Down’
This is the dream of the Marxist Democrat destroyers.

Billionaire Investor Ken Griffin Warns US Capitalism ‘Breaking Down’

By: Jack Phillips, The Epoch March 16, 2023:

Ken Griffin, the founder of hedge fund Citadel, said the rescue ...

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