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Dear John,  

Ted Pankiewicz

Be sure to visit our website:

...And January 2020 comes to a close!
How quickly it flies by!
This week, for the first time, the news media is forced to turn its attention to President Donald Trump's argument against impeachment. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, in a move that went against all historic precedent, denied the president a voice in the House impeachment proceedings. We next heard the House Managers give their presentation before the Senate. Now, finally, the president is given a chance to respond. In an almost predictable twist of fate, the presentation by the House Managers was so poor that television ratings fell to precipitously low levels. The levels were so low, in fact, that over the weekend television news directors were considering using them as an excuse to not televise the president's defense! That move would deprive the American people of their only opportunity to hear the other side of the story, and would further demonstrate the bias of the American media against Donald Trump and conservatives and Republicans in general.
Before we rise to the battlements over the issue, let's see how the networks resolve the matter....

And locally,

THIS Friday is Downtown Friday in Vero Beach! Be sure to come and find the Republican Party booth, manned by our usual Trump crew and friends!!
Voter registration will be available.
6 - 9 pm, 14th Ave., Downtown Vero Beach


Keep America Great sign-wave
Riverview Park in Sebastian
Sat., Jan. 25
10 am - 12 noon (assuming the park is available)
Sign-in begins at 9:30 at the park; plenty of parking available.


Vero Beach Gun Show
at the Indian River Fairgrounds
Sat., Feb 8 - Sun., Feb. 9
Again, look for the Republican Party booth.
Our gun show afficionados will be on hand.
Voter registration will be available.


Keep America Great sign-wave
Sat., Feb. 15th
58th Ave. and 20th St. (C.R. 60)
11 am (following Republican Club of Indian River fundraiser breakfast - details below)


Monday, Mar. 16, 2020
Bent Pine Golf Club
Speaker: Peter Schweizer



The below content has been generated by Republican Clubs, and is not the responsibility of the Indian River County REC.

From Republican Club of Indian River, Inc.:
Next Meeting Thurs., Feb. 6, Grand Harbor, School Board #3 Candidates Forum. Cocktails 5pm, Dinner 6pm, Forum to follow. $35 club members, $45 non-members, tickets available at: EVENTBRITE

Join us for our Club Fundraiser Breakfast
Sat., Feb. 15, 2020, 8am - 10am at Applebee's:
From Republican Women of Indian River:
Next Meeting Mon. Feb. 10 at BENT PINE (Grand Harbor had scheduling conflict - this will be the ONLY meeting at Bent Pine) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Speaker: Michelle Easton
See our monthly newsletter:


The below content has been generated by Republican candidates for elective office, and is not the responsibility of the Indian River County REC. Indian River County REC has not, and does not, endorse any of the candidates whose announcements may appear below, unless and until a specific declaration of endorsement is made and published by the Indian River County REC.

 Joe Saul
Secretary Indian River County REC




Joe Saul
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee



Indian River County Republican Executive Committee, 2001 9th Ave., Ste. 107, Vero Beach, FL 32960
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